Please see below the most Frequently Asked Questions we receive. Should you have any other questions please use our Contact Us form at the bottom of this page.

What do I need to do if I want to hire employees from the EU?
I have employees who are EU citizens; what should I do?
What are the requirements for sponsorship?
What does 'settled status' mean?
What does 'pre-settled status' mean?
Do applicants for the EUSS need to be physically in the UK for their application?
When am I required to ask new and existing employees for evidence of UK settlement status?
As an employer, do I need to see or show evidence that my employees were present in the UK before January 2021?
What obligations do I have as an employer if my employees do not hold EUSS status after 1 July 2021?
My business has multiple offices across the UK and EU; can my employees split their time in these locations?
Are National ID cards valid for UK entry by non-citizens?